AI-powered Industrial
Process Optimization

Utilize the power of AI to optimize complex industrial processes with multiple variables

Early Fault Prediction

Increase Performance and Quality

Early Fault Prediction

Tune Processes for Maximum Throughput

Early Fault Prediction

Analyze Process Bottlenecks

Early Fault Prediction

Deploy in Days, Not Months

Optimize your industrial processes with Vanti’s advanced AI capabilities. Our technology seamlessly integrates all available process knowledge to create highly accurate and sophisticated machine learning predictive models. Continuously monitoring current and predicted operational data and adjusting control targets, Vanti reduces process variability and operates within equipment constraints, ultimately leading to improved manufacturing performance across KPIs. 

Optimize your industrial processes

Tune, Optimize, Streamline Processes

Combine, integrate or consolidate hundreds or thousands of process variables into a unified, self-adaptive machine learning model. Generate predictions to provide process optimization guidance, utilized for decision support or closed-loop control. 

Accelerate Time to Value

Enable your domain experts with Vanti’s no-code solution that doesn’t require data science expertise, delivering rapid value within days, not months, and offering flexible edge or cloud deployment options. Utilize diverse data sources or open APIs to achieve maximum impact. 

Achieve Tangible Business Outcomes

Optimize yield and throughput, increase asset and workforce utilization, and reduce energy costs by closed-loop optimization of your manufacturing processes. Improve quality compliance by decreasing process variability.  

Industry Use Cases

Renewable Energy Systems Engineering
Minimize power consumption and cost in a desalination factory by analyzing temperature, pressure, and other water characteristics, as well as real-time power rates and the efficiency data of equipment like pumps, motors, and filters—saving 3% in cost
Ensure product quality and reduce waste in glass bottle manufacturing by optimizing setpoint, mixing and cooling times to identify the optimal conditions for each step—improving process efficiency

Optimize testing sequences and electronics parts assembly stations by utilizing data from the entire line, leading to identification of bottlenecks and inefficiencies that might otherwise go unnoticed

See for yourself how Vanti’s unique, self-adaptive, cutting-edge AI can help you today.