AI in Manufacturing; 2023 Predictions

As we look ahead to 2023, we asked the team at Vanti to make their predictions of AI in manufacturing in 2023: Smadar, CEO – AI-Powered applications will become the go-to solution for manufacturing. AI applications, such as ChatGPT and Dall-E, have gained widespread adoption in other industries, and we expect this trend to […]
Quality Without the Bottlenecks: Automating Defect Detection with AI

When you’re trying to achieve a reliable, consistent product and optimize production at the same time, defects can be your worst nightmare. But too many organizations find themselves facing a trade-off: Quality control and inspection can negatively impact cycle time. It’s a non-stop juggling act: How can you speed up manufacturing without sacrificing quality? Everyone’s […]
AI-based Defect Detection – A Brief Overview

You don’t need us to tell you—faulty parts leaving the assembly line are bad news. Defects increase manufacturing costs, hurt product quality, diminish brand value, and generate industrial waste.